„Return of the Emperor” – text-based game (English version of „Powrót Imperatora”)

Hi, I am inserting my next creation of interactive fiction. Actually, "Return of the Emperor" was created before "Dark Reign", but I only translated it now. It is a classic and rather stiff fantasy with light (very light) science fantasy type additions. It is heavily plot-driven, and the player's decisions have a real impact on … Czytaj dalej „Return of the Emperor” – text-based game (English version of „Powrót Imperatora”)

„Survivor” – interactive fiction (English version of the „Ocalały”)

My next gamebook/interactive fiction - "Survivor" is in the mood of some sword and sorcery, some Biblical themes (but be warned - definitely not pro-Christian). Here's a link to the basic version, in which, for the sake of suspense, each "scene" between player decisions is on a different page: https://www.mediafire.com/file/334o2ardfd1cgok/Survivor_1.4.pdf/file And here's a link to … Czytaj dalej „Survivor” – interactive fiction (English version of the „Ocalały”)

„Malefactor” – text simulator of the Dark Lord (English version of the „Mroczne Rządy”)

"Malefactor" is a strategy text game in which the player takes on the role of a Sauron-style Lord of Darkness with the goal of conquering the world. He will carry out his plans by making various decisions. He will build his army and send it into battles, weave intrigues and deceptions, create secret spy networks … Czytaj dalej „Malefactor” – text simulator of the Dark Lord (English version of the „Mroczne Rządy”)